Expert Tips On Maximizing The Value Of Your App

June 25, 2024

Developed Design and Published 1-2 weeks -1

When get your new custom App, we want to make sure that you get the most out of this innovative service! The TracPoint Apps platform is a unique application designed to meet the needs of your business with features including: in-app messaging, promotional coupons, digital business cards, store locations and directions, integration with your social media and much more. Implement the following practices to ensure the App is being utilized by your team effectively.


Share The App Install Video

When you deploy the App to your reps, a link to the "App Install Video" is already added to the end of the text message. It’s always a good idea to remind your reps to watch the video. It has all of the information they’ll need to easily add the App to their device and successfully share it with customers. Your reps will be able to reference this video later if they ever need a refresher on how it's done.


Set Up Automated Report Delivery To Your Leadership Team & Managers

In the dashboard, users can view App installs by store and by sales person, track promotion views, and filter by date range. You can even set up automated report delivery at specific time intervals. From the dashboard, you can also download and distribute reports to managers and leadership so everyone is up to date on the latest App activity to track your progress.


Create A Contest For App Installs & Recognize Top Reps

A contest is a great incentive to get your reps excited, engaged, and comfortable with sharing the app. Remember: The more App installs your business has, the more people you can drive back to your stores for repeat purchases.

Along the same lines as running a contest, you should make it a point to highlight your top performing reps. While a contest will help get everyone involved, highlighting your top performing reps, will motivate them to go the extra mile. Use the ‘Detailed Report by Rep’ to measure individual rep install performance.


Create Your Customer Journey With Automated Push Notes

Send your customers personalized automated messages at specific times after initial install to keep your company on their radar. For example, you could send a thank you message 2 hours after install, a check-in message after 30 days, and a referral reward at 60 days, encouraging your customers to open your app, and return to your stores.

Create A Customer Referral Reward

Reward your customers for referrals, and give your reps a reason to share their card to their own network by creating a “friends and family” promotion. This is a great way to encourage loyalty, while leveraging both customer and rep networks.

New hire onboarding

Set your reps up for success from day one. Establish a process for making sure all new hires are given their App & Digital Business Card on their first day of employment. Your new employees are never more excited than when they first start working for you. Leverage that excitement to encourage sharing their Digital Business Card with friends and family!


Keep Your Promotions Current & Compelling

Each month, make sure you have updated promotions that are only good for your App customers. Keeping your promotions current with high value will keep your customers coming back to you!

  • Create a Deal of The Month

  • Discounts Off Select Accessories

  • Friends and Family Discounts

  • Limited Time Offers

  • Referral Rewards

  • Seasonal Promotions (Back to School, Black Friday, Holiday, Mothers Day, Fathers Day, etc.)


Set Goals For Your Reps

Establish a minimum acceptable App install requirement for your reps. Most successful businesses will require that reps have the app installed during 70% of all customer transactions. This sets the bar for the App to be installed at every opportunity.


Set Rep Goal Notifications

Keep your reps on track and send them weekly motivational messages to encourage them to reach their goals. The weekly motivational messages can be based on what percent of their goal they have achieved at that time, whether they need to do better, or if they're doing great and are right on track for success!


Incorporate The Following Sales Flow

Incorporate the App install into the sales flow and include it in your training. The App install is normally positioned as the last step in the customer transaction, while wrapping up the sale and sending the customer on their way.

Here’s an example:

“Thanks again for coming in. I hope I’ve taken care of everything you needed today. I’d like to share my company digital business card with you so you have all my contact information should you have any questions. It also has special offers that are only available for our existing customers, along with the ability to refer me if you feel I’ve done a great job today. Just scan this QR code and save to your home screen. Great to meet you today, and please reach out through the App if there is anything else I can do for you!”


Make Sure Your Reps Know How To Share Their App & Get Credit For Installs

Remember, for your rep to get credit for sharing their App to customers, friends and family they must follow the process below:

  1. Share App

  2. Have the customer save the App to their Home Screen

  3. Reopen the App once installed to home screen to get credit for the install

  4. Have customer agree to receive push notifications



To learn about TracPoint Apps, schedule a demo or contact us at: 
